My dream job


I find it hard to choose a dream job, because I love many things, what I am going to say is a controversial but I was always in a dilemma about what I want to dedicate myself, I always dreamed of helping people and animals, despite the reality that I am in a career that has nothing related to that.

All my life I have loved animals, in fact my soul mate is a dog, his name is "Negro", for this reason a part of me wanted to be a veterinarian and probably I would have been very happy working helping animals, however it has a bad side, because people who work in this job usually suffer a lot for the loss or mistreatment that animals can have, and I am very sensitive, probably I would not have supported that. Then I heard about a job where you were taking care of pandas, IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER HEARD OF IN MY LIFE! Unfortunately I don't live in China, but it sounded like the perfect job for me.

When I was growing up I met Patch Adams (not in person, I wish!), a very peculiar doctor, if you haven't heard of him, I recommend you to watch some of his interviews, he is the best human I have ever known. When I started to investigate about medicine I fell in love, I really wanted to be a great doctor, I would love to help and I would have loved to do a volunteer work, unfortunately life has other surprises for us, I studied obstetrics for 2 years and it was not what I expected, I am currently studying architecture, which I like, but not so much as helping people, I hope someday to take up my dreams again or to do volunteer work around the world.


  1. I really hope your dream of helping people come true soon!

  2. I would love to be a vet too, to help the animals because I love them, but I could not bear to see a puppy bleeding or dying or even to put one of them to sleep forever.


  3. you have very nice dreams, I hope you can realize them, it is necessary to have a vocation to make both, also it is never too late to do it.


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