The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life


I do not really have a favorite piece of technology, the cell phone is not something I always use, my family always scolds me because I do not answer the phone, but I always use the computer, more than the phone.

Today my computer has helped me a lot, especially now that I study architecture, it is an indispensable element in my life today. Honestly I do not use the computer because I like it, I do it because it is extremely necessary to support all the programs when I have to create my projects, I think it is exhausting to use a virtual screen for a long time, mentally as well as physically.

In my experience, if I use the computer too much it is counterproductive, now that we are all day sitting in front of the computer because of the quarantine I suffer from headaches and back pain and my vision problems have intensified. On the one hand, I recommend the computer much more than the mobile, you can really do everything you do on the phone on the computer, but on the other hand, you have to be careful because going can produce very painful effect.

I believe that the healthiest thing to do is to maintain a balance between technological elements and real life, however it is complex in the process we are going through because of the pandemic, where basically all our life happens virtually.


  1. I agree with you, I think it is very exhausting to use a virtual screen, but it really helps to do in a short amount of time what can take maybe weeks by paper and our hands

  2. I agree with the balance in virtuality, but cyber normality is taking center stage in life.


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